Together, these changes will help us capitalise on our greatest resource: our youth. It is up to us to show leadership, and build economies that are prepared for the future. We must be willing to confront old assumptions and embrace new technologies; to open up our economies and reform our politics. This will not always be easy. There will be challenges and uncertainties. But reform is necessary, and history shows us it is right: the periods of greatest Islamic influence were the most intellectually open.

Prime Minister of Malaysia
Dato' Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak
WIEF 2012

Let's keep creating the next generation of dreamers, and creators, and builders. Let's close the skills gap with education that truly prepares our children for the jobs of the future. Let's help entrepreneurs harness the latest technology to build new networks of cooperation. Let's make it even easier to access capital.

US President Barack Obama
GES 2012